OK as at this write up, I'm only a year and few months old in marriage and trust me I'm learning every day! As you keep in touch by checking my posts; I'll continue to share my discoveries and lessons about marriage.
I've discovered that in marriage one needs a lot of resources to learn every little thing one can get one's hands on. As Tesco would always say 'Every little helps'! Marriage is a new kind of life that you know little or nothing about until you step in it. It's only when you're in your own marriage that the reality of marriage dawns on you and all you've read, observed, acquired, your beliefs, culture and traditions, and finally all the junk in your trunk starts to surface. Then, what do you do? See, my lovely reader, do not be deceived by all the fine clothes couples wear when they go out or by the life they are portraying on the outside because Marriage has its own struggles and challenges and it requires work to make it successful.
Having said that, Marriage is a beautiful thing!!! As Dbanj said 'Love is a beautiful thing' - this is so true! In Marriage, you get to have a company through the ups and downs of life; someone you can talk to and share your life with, someone you can achieve and fulfil both of your destinies with and the list is endless. Don't get it twisted, Marriage is a blessing and a beautiful thing! If you're blessed with it - cherish it, nourish it, cultivate it, value it.
In this section, I'll be sharing resources, links and materials that I've found useful that can also help you in your marriage and please don't hesitate to share your own experiences too. We're here to learn together! I discovered that the first step for you as a husband or wife is to be WILLING TO LEARN to have a marriage as God intended it to be. Think about this very carefully - I'd love you to dwell on this simple phrase because if you're not willing to learn - you WILL NOT look for resources, embrace ideas, get out of your comfort zone and invest in your marriage. May I say that, you don't need to wait until you are quarter to divorce before you start looking for ways to make things better (This goes out to the men because most men don't see anything wrong in their marriage until its almost lost!).
So i think this is a big bite - think and meditate on it to decide if you want to go any further. There's just one advice i have for you - IT'LL PAY YOU ENORMOUSLY TO BE WILLING TO LEARN!!! Stay blessed
More articles on marriage:
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