Hello there, this section is for single people that are still waiting for Mr/Mrs Right or are in a relationship heading towards Marriage. How are you doing today? I hope you are smiling and having the time of your life? Come on, be cheerful! I do see and hear about many Single people especially ladies that are unhappy or discontent because they are not in a relationship yet or found the right person to plan their lives with. My word for you today is Chillax! If there's any word like that!
Just yesterday, I was privileged to attend a college fellowship where the undergraduates were itching to hear and discuss about relationships especially one leading to marriage. It was a nice time indeed however, I observed the enthusiasm, quest and eagerness to be hooked up with someone. Some were in their second year, fourth year etc. Here's what's common - they were in a hurry in their mental faculty to want to experience a relationship that will lead to marriage. What could be the external factor of this action? Could it be
- Peer pressure
- Family Expectations
- Cultural belief
- Wrong Ideologies
- Fear of loneliness
I'll share several talks, videos and materials that might be of help to you in this precious journey! I'll tell you something new i just learnt yesterday:
'You have to be properly positioned in all ramifications starting from your mindset - have a sound mind! Have a right positioning so that you won't be displaced in life' - Gee Bee
'Don't put your hand where you won't put your heart! Value your life, value your destiny! Don't let someone ruin your life!' - Bro Ope
Wow, these words are loaded! Enjoy your day and thanks for taking your time to read this post.
Must Read Articles:
Crush your demons
Movies you might like:
Teachings on Singlehood:
Lesson you need to learn before you marry: