Do men really know what they are getting themselves into when they say they want to get married?

Come on people, let's talk! You know while watching Bisi Olatilo show, I saw people dancing and celebrating as a man and a woman were joined together in holy matrimony! People congratulated them, they both danced and you know during the traditional engagement - they told the man to wave bye bye to all the single ladies! I wish that was easy as it looked!!!! Hmmm! You know from my own experience; if you've ever been privileged to do the traditional engagement you'll discover that everything you do there is symbolical of the virtues you need to embrace in marriage! Think about it!

So back to the men - have you discovered that most marriage troubles stem from the man?
Ok I'm not pointing accusing finger here! But you'll discover that men are the ones that really start getting naughty most of the time and they find every excuse possible to get out of marriage!!! Rem they were the ones that wanted it in the first place but little do they know that in marriage - you're going to be intimate with one person for the rest of your life; you live and dine with this one person. It's for better or worse! You'll learn to accommodate each other's inadequacies and so on!!! So bro, think about it well o! Marriage is for the mature minds o not for babies!!!

So now that you have the chance, please develop yourself and let God mould you and break you so that you'll be at least on your way to maturity! You see if you know this; it'll save women from all the hurts, nagging, unhappiness and not so nice experiences in marriage! So bro, marriage is not for everyone o!!! It's amazing how men especially African men think they can eat their cake and have it!!! Because they were born males, they owe nobody any explanation! What I mean is, men nowadays rarely gravitate to things that are serious and character building; Check the percentage of the men in the churches! Ok I might be wrong!!!

Bro, please don't hate, I'm just trying to tell y'all to up your game mehn!!! So as a single guy, what are you spending your time on? Please leave comments below...

And by the way, i saw this teaching by Myles Munroe and was attracted to the title - if you're humble enough you can watch it may be you'll learn a thing or two! I'm so sorry for being harsh - i love you! I just gat to tell it like it is mehn! You can do this!!!



Anonymous said…
House hunt

Andy- MARTYNRussell

Studio room- Essex street -20 minute, shared accomodation-425- 15 minutes from station, 650-1 bed - 20 minutes from station

That's a misconception u have there; No one is fully matured prior to marriage! Were u????? the whole point of the holy institution is for the couple to Learn and grow together with the help of God. We can all assume and fantasise what our marriage will be like and how we ll behave but the truth is we ll Neva know until we actually begin the journey. I believe anyone can get married as long as they make The I am That I Am their foundation.
Abiola said…
Hmmm! Nice one! Thank you for your comment! Very insightful!
Darlington Obomanu said…
This generation is in dire need of fathers, not husbands.

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