Who fills the filler?
For lack of a better title, I chose this one! Who fills the person that is always giving and giving in most if not all ways. The one that gives his/her time, strength, money, love, talents, gifts etc to make a difference in people's lives, can most times feel very empty and depleted emotionally, financially and spiritually. This kind of people could be leaders, parents especially single parents (mehn kudos to you because no one can understand your struggle except if they truly walk in your shoes), great influencers, philanthropists etc.
How do you re-fill yourself so that you can fill others? When you're constantly surrounded by endless demands and wants that you need to supply; how do you stay on top of the game?
These are questions that crop up in my mind. No one seem to pay attention to the fillers/givers needs. Everyone just want to take, take and can all they get. It is so draining to be surrounded by people that take and not give you anything. So here's a word of advice, please think twice, when you want to always get/take from your leader, parents, pastors, friends etc. Always think of how you can make their life a little easier by giving them a smile, word of encouragement, your time and prayers, time alone or whatever you deem fit. It is time to be very sensitive to the needs of the people around us and to change the mindset of just wanting to take.
To the fillers, please be encouraged and Please be informed that there is someone that will always fill you up when you spend time with him. His name is Jesus. Prioritize your time with him above all else because you will fill others with the overflowing love that he gives. May your cup overflow!
My heart goes to all the single parents doing the hard work of raising their children alone with no help. I understand the struggle and this is not suppose to be so. I want to encourage you that you should please stay strong, receive the strength of God. You are doing a great job! I understand that you sometimes feel so emotionally depleted after giving endlessly to the needs of your children, work and other social activities. May God send you help because I know that the struggle is so real. You are loved!!!
To all my readers, stay blessed and be encouraged.
I love you all.
Image: https://www.stylecraze.com