The Danger Of Going Through the Motions
Hello reader, I know it's been ages since my last post. I don't post just to post something, when a new post is coming, I have the strong urge in my spirit. There after, a title will come to me and I'll begin to write in my notes. Ok enough of the story. Here's another one!
This title came to me this night and it's a summation of my quiet observation of so many things going on in and around me. Take for example, when we go to church, we'll do Sunday school, progress to the worship, prayer etc all the way to the benediction. Week in, week out we repeat almost the same cycle. It's sometimes so predictable that we can become actors in this stage and not be genuinely saved. Some people that really need God don't even bother to show up to church cos they know we'll barely scratch the surface of the main issue. This is dangerous. Why you may ask?
It baffles me when I see the number of church attendees increase and yet corruption and injustice is on the increase in Africa. How long are we going to major on the minors?
It baffles me when I see the number of church attendees increase and yet corruption and injustice is on the increase in Africa. How long are we going to major on the minors?
Another example of going through the motions is in the relationship department. Many are tying the knot with no clue of what they're getting themselves into. Forgive me if you think I'm sounding a little pessimistic! When a wedding is announced, everyone rejoices and most of the time the outward appearance becomes the main focus of this crucial step. The couple goes through the motion of saying the vows and as usual say 'I do' without really thinking of the gravity of those two words. It's almost like you better say 'I do' so we can all proceed to the reception and eat rice. For example, the groom might really not be ready for that commitment but because he's old enough, his friends are getting married, parental pressures etc, he finds himself going through the motion.
The last example is in the area of our career. When we finish our secondary school and want to choose a course to study in college, we sometimes go through the motions by choosing our favourite subjects, picking what our friends picked, choose a course because mum or dad said I must! The list of reasons we go through the motions is endless.
Now why do we go through the motions? We go through the motions because
-we are afraid to stand out or be ridiculed
-we lack courage to go through the narrow road
-we fail to count the cost of our actions
-we want to be people pleasers and not God pleasers
-we lack a purpose driven life
So here's to make us aware and provoke us to think twice the next time we're tempted to join the crowd in going through the motions.
Going through the motions brings emptiness, lack of true happiness and fulfilment.
Life is too short and life is meant to mean so much more than just going through the motions of life. It's time to live a life that counts.
Love you.
I was speaking with a fine young man two days ago. I was led to speak to him about his spirituality. As I began because I was also a bit nervous, not sure where to start, I asked if he attended any church, the moment I did, he wanted none of it and had a lot to say about the church. In fact he schooled me. Thank God for the Holy Spirit, then I spoke to him about my personal experience and relationship with God, and like magic we connected.
So sister, this is on point, don't go with the crowd. Stand out, please God and the world will seek you out! God bless you.