Where do we go from here?
Photocredits: www.en.hdyo.org
This is a question I don't know the answer to because it's so sad to see and experience corruption. This question stems from an enlightening discussion i had today with my husband and a brother! They opened my eyes to see that there is so much corruption in Nigeria that it has now become the normal way of life. It is also sad to say that being religious doesn't help in this matter because the very citizen that will collect bribe or dupe a person in business ventures will be speaking in tongues on Sunday or be a devout Muslim! How sad it is!!!
In our discussion, they said it's so sad for people to actually do the right thing in a country like Nigeria and I believe this is the same for many other African countries. It's so bad that people that vow to follow the right path end up compromising one way or the other, in other for them to make a headway. So sad!!! There's a popular saying people always quote: 'If you can't beat them, join them'!
My question is for how long would we join them? Corruption has eaten so deep that I wonder if there's any hope! You will find corruption from the least to the top! How can there be a change? The effect of corruption has reached public sector, relationships, religious organisations etc.
I believe corruption emanated from a dysfunction of the family. Good morals are sometimes taught but not modelled!!! Lying and deception has become the order of the day.
You know what I discovered about all this? One should not expect much from a person that lives and breeds corruption because as they say 'bad company corrupts good manners' and whether we like it or not, we are products of our environment!
If you live in a country where people are accountable and the government serves the people the way they should; you will have a different outlook from a person that comes from a country where there is so much injustice, violation of human rights, corruption, several killings of innocent children etc.
So now, people from the later country, how can they retain a good moral standing so that this bad cycle will be stopped? If at all, there is a way out, I believe everyone needs to change and it'll start from the family unit! Please practise the good morals you preach and teach!!! It's not going to be easy but this is the only hope we have for a better future!
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