Confidentiality, a gift rarely given these days!
Confidentiality - It means keeping information safe and private. Fine, we get it in some health sectors, political parties, churches etc! I'm coming down to our level. Do you and I offer our neighbour the gift of confidentiality? Or is it just a license to spread the news you were suppose to protect in the first place?
So many relationships have been ruined because of lack of trust for someone to keep your information private! It has ruined many friendships, Pastor to member relationships, couples union! Think about it!
Can you recall at least three people in your life you can really confide in without hearing it on the streets? If you can, then my friend - you're really blessed!!!
Rom 12:9 'Let love be genuine; hate what is evil, hold fast to what is good'
Let the love you share between one another be genuine - when you're trusted with an information keep it!!! When people tell you their secrets and weaknesses; protect it!!! Let your relationships with people be genuine and void of eye service!!!
Come up to a higher life and you'll discover that when you do not betray a trusted friend by spreading their information all around, you'll see that God will begin to entrust bigger visions in your hand!!! God will begin to connect you with great people!!!
In my opinion, I think we should go back to being truly loyal and dependable!!! This lack of genuine relationships has travelled from our streets to offices to political parties to religious groups and to our homes. Let's go back to living right and doing right by one another!
'Study to be SLOW to speak'