Are you paying attention?

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Each second, minute, hour and day, that passes, time is moving and waiting for no one. It keeps ticking silently but yet so loud. As each day passes by, the question for you and I is, are we positively growing or just remaining at the same spot or stage in life while time keeps flying by?

This has been a recent question in my heart and I'm beginning to examine myself if truly I'm actually growing and not just adding in years. Don't get me wrong, we really do not remain the same physically as time progresses because the law of biology is working whether we like it or not. But What I'm trying to call our attention on is our emotional, mental, psychological, moral and spiritual growth. 

Do you know that though we are growing physically, we can get stuck emotionally for decades simply repeating a cycle and not advancing or progressing in that area. If we know better, we will do better! How do we truly know that we 'know' something? This should be measured by our actions and not just talking like we know. Talk is cheap as they always say but actions really expose what is deeply rooted in a human being. 

Let's take it a little deeper, character traits like anger, jealousy, impatience, love, joy, peace, goodness etc. Do you know that we need to diminish the negative traits and increase more in the positive traits because our lives will be better, our relationships will be healthier and the community at large will blossom. 

So how do we increase in the positive traits? Pardon me, I'll tell you what works for me as a believer, it's by allowing the pruning and washing of your life with the word of God through the help of the Holy Spirit. You have to be willing to surrender every area of your life to God and as you begin to behold his word frequently, you'll then be transformed to the image of Christ. 

So here's a quick wake-up call to you and I, as you've experienced different things in life, have you allowed such experiences to positively shape your views and perspectives or has it marred your growth and you've stayed stuck? It's time for a review, we must strive to become a better version of ourselves and get out of the pit we have put ourselves in. Here's to truly, GROWING UP!!! 

Enjoy your 2019! 

Love you!

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