A closer look at Education


Hello dear lovely readers, I know it's been a while but here I am. Well, today's topic has been something that have been on my mind for a while now as I evaluate myself and the product of many homes in our society. 

I can't say much about many countries but from a country I grew up (Nigeria), I've observed that time and time again a lot of emphasis is placed on having a school or a formal education and sometimes once a person has a promising career like a doctor, lawyer, engineer amongst others, then the person can really do no wrong. 

This slight omission and tolerance is greatly allowed in the male gender. Once the parents feel like you're doing great in school then every other training is secondary and not upheld at the same high level. 

This is so very sad! Education, as I've come to know, is far more than what we learn in schools and in our universities. It has different facets to it such as moral, cultural, social, spiritual, economical etc. So therefore, just focusing on one aspect will leave an individual to be ill-prepared for life's experiences. 

So as parents, teenagers/young adults and fully grown adults, please lets begin to evaluate ourselves. Are we fully educated in every sense of the word? As Parents, please let's work on exposing our children to many aspects of life that will make them well-rounded in the future. This is very important! There's a quote I encountered from a book titled 'Raising Boys'  by Steve Biddulph 

'Have you ever browsed through a family photo collection and seen photos of a boy growing up, from babyhood right through to manhood? If you have, you'll know that boys don't grow up in a smooth way. They go in surges - looking the same for a while, then suddenly they appear to be changing overnight. And that's only on the outside. On the inside, great changes are happening, too. But developing maturity and character aren't as automatic as physical development; a boy can get stuck. Everyone knows at least one man who is large in body but small in mind or soul, who hasn't developed as a mature person. Such men are everywhere - they might be a prime minister, a president or a tycoon, but you look at them and think, yep, still a boy. And not a very nice one ...' 

Hmmm, when I read this paragraph I began to think deep about what he said and I concluded that it is true. What shocked me, is that you can actually be a prime minister, a president etc but still be at a baby/boy stage level of development/education. 

This is a very serious topic. I don't want to sound as if I'm focusing on one gender than the other but I think everyone can benefit from this. 

So this is to provoke us to begin to examine our lives and see where we are lacking and improve so we can be better people today and tomorrow. 

So how's your emotional, social, mental, marital, spiritual, moral and intellectual development? 

Rem, you never STOP learning until the day you die!!! 

We can be better!!! 

Love you 😍😍😍

 Image from www.linkedin.com 


Busola said…
This is a good articule Abiola. One that provokes poweruk thoughts. Education should be 'wholistic'. It should not be looked at as a means to get a qualification thay makes one have a sense of importance yet the are lacking in character. The bible says train up your child in the way he should grownso that when he is old he wont depart from it. I persnally feel there is a gap and lack of good role models.
Abiola said…
Thank you Busola for taking time out to comment. I like what you said that Education should be wholistic. This is a very serious issue. May God help us all.

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