This is why we don't DO THE WORD!!!
Hello people, I know it's been ages since my last post. Has God not been faithful? We made it to the end of the year 2016. How has this year been for you?
OK I feel a need to write this post as we begin to round up and say good bye to 2016. Now, I must sound a warning:
NB: This Post is not for the faint hearted so if you think you can't handle it, please stop right here.
This post is for Christians, especially, Christians that have been born-again for many many years. This is for that Christian that is familiar with the whole Christian shenanigans.
This post was inspired by a discussion I had with a prayer group I joined. You know the word of God is there year in, year out! We are familiar with many scriptures but how many of us actually obey and live out the word of God?
As I pondered on why this is the case, it was like I'm being lectured on how we Christians deprive ourselves of a victorious life in all ramifications because we simply do not OBEY the word of God.
We emotionalize everything, pay tithe - we struggle, don't worry but cast all your cares and burdens unto Jesus - oh no, I can't do that cos you have no idea what I'm going through, love your neighbour as yourself - we find excuse, forgive - we give a thousand and one reason why we cannot, win souls - it is not possible, love your enemy and pray for those that despitefully use you - Haba, if you don't pray against these enemies they will catch you Abi you don't know there is witch ... and yet we go to church every now and then! They whine us to worship, pray, give and we go back home only for the cycle to repeat itself again. We blame everything on the devil. We dress nice, fast and pray but behind everything is a disobedient heart.
Why is it so??? How come our fruit is not corresponding to our bible knowledge? There must be something wrong somewhere?
Few months back, I was privileged to watch and listen to a teaching on Ezekiel 18 for a better understanding on generational curses. The preacher said a very profound thing that has stuck with me. He said many people profess to be a new creation in Christ but they are not transformed because they don't obey the word. He said Eph 4 and Rom 12 should be a Christian's mantra because there are so many secrets to being free from generational curses there. As a result of our disobedience, we begin to notice unpleasant patterns we saw in our parents/grandparents lives even though we claim to be Christians.
I've come to realize that the remedy to many things is in the word of God but we people prefer to go to the mountain, fast and pray, look for prophets only for us to go back to our disobedient lifestyles and wonder why we don't get it!
So this is a challenge for us all, as we look forward to 2017, let us prepare our minds to actually DO THE WORD!!!
Remember we cannot do the word without the help of the Holy Spirit. What is your relationship with the Holy Spirit? Are you baptized with the Holy Spirit? Search the bible, pray and ask for the Holy Spirit baptism. Do everything you can; trust me if you DILIGENTLY seek him, you will FIND him.
““If you [really] love Me, you will keep and obey My commandments.”
JOHN 14:15 AMP
I love you all!