Your secret life, your greatest enemy!

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What is a secret? The dictionary describe it as something not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others. It is something we try to conceal, cover up and don't want the light to unveil. 

I discovered that this is a weapon the enemy is using to destroy so many lives. If you look closely, you'll discover that a very paramount feature of sin is secrecy.
Sin thrives, grows and is cultivated in secrecy. Look at this scripture: 

And the judgment is based on this fact: God’s light came into the world, but people loved the darkness more than the light, for their actions were evil. All who do evil hate the light and refuse to go near it for fear their sins will be exposed. 
(John 3:19-20 NLT)

Think about this scripture; it reveals that even though God's light was available in this world, they did not allow it shine on their lives because they LOVED darkness!!! This can play out in so many ways in our lives. We run from things, people and  organisations that want to expose that dark part of our lives because we love what we do in secret. It can therefore be said that if we want to be free from the darkness in our lives, we should stop LOVING IT!!! 

The darkness in our lives can be that secret relationship you're nurturing, having a double life, lust of the eyes, sexual perversion, pornography, insecurities, the music you listen to, the hate in your heart, unforgiveness etc. Secrets are things that are not so obvious about a person and so it can be camouflaged for years and put a person in secret bondage. This is your greatest enemy. 

I write this to provoke your thoughts and make you aware of this subtle killer I've discovered. I pray that the love for that dark thing that you do be destroyed in Jesus name. I pray that you will embrace the light of God that is available in this world to set you free indeed. I pray that you'll be set free from the things that hold your soul captive in that secret place. 

So in conclusion, I challenge you to check your secrets cos they might be your greatest enemy and hindrance to your destiny. 

Until I come your way again, keep fighting for your soul


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