Can you sense the time and season?
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Hello people, I thank God for the privilege to write again as I know it's been a long while! I hope you missed me! A lot has happened since my last write-up and it wasn't that I ran out of inspiration; I just decided to lay low and watch life as it unfolds.
Right now, I'm overwhelmed by a sense of purpose and a need to share this thought. I'm so sad because of the news of the death of men of God, degradation of basic moral standards, terrorist attacks here n there, natural disasters, persecution of Christians because they stand for God, new referendum of same sex marriage being passed into the constitution and
Ireland being the first country to do this. Where did we go wrong? I thought Ireland is a godly country! But as I thought about this and so much more, the only explanation I could give was when people fail to acknowledge God, he gave them over to a reprobate mind. And in keeping with the prophecy of the last days, the love of many are waxing cold and thereby iniquity is abounding. Ireland residents, before now, would think we've escaped our own share of 'Iniquity abounding' but here we have it! We'll soon run out of places and countries to relocate to just to get protected from these various iniquities!!!
Ireland being the first country to do this. Where did we go wrong? I thought Ireland is a godly country! But as I thought about this and so much more, the only explanation I could give was when people fail to acknowledge God, he gave them over to a reprobate mind. And in keeping with the prophecy of the last days, the love of many are waxing cold and thereby iniquity is abounding. Ireland residents, before now, would think we've escaped our own share of 'Iniquity abounding' but here we have it! We'll soon run out of places and countries to relocate to just to get protected from these various iniquities!!!
Back to the untimely death of men of God, questions pop up in my heart as I secretly mourn and these are:
-if this person knew the exact amount of years he was allocated to live, what would he and his family have done differently?
- is this the will of God or the wrath of God?
- is this the manifestation of the prophecy that says 'Judgement will begin in the house Of God'?
-how can we live each day as if it's the last?
Dear reader, I'm scared!!! What if Jesus Christ Comes right now? I don't know if I'm ready! So I keep repenting and praying to God that I make it to heaven.
So dear reader, as you go about your daily business please and please let's try to be conscious of the times we're living in so that we can make better choices.
Until my next post, bye for now!