Hello there, count yourself blessed to be reading this at this time and season because the things that’ll be revealed in this writing will change your life forever!!!

First of all, let us go back to the foundation of our creation. Let us start by examining the first Adam; from the very beginning, Adam’s relationship with God was dependent on faith and obedience to God’s word as absolute truth. This was the governing principle in Adam’s relationship to God in Eden. Adam was instructed not to eat from the tree of knowledge of good and evil (Genesis 2:16–17). Adam had to make a conscious, deliberate choice to trust and obey, or to disbelieve and disobey the Creator.

At the point of disobedience (the fall), man moved away from the Creator’s standard of truth and substituted his own standard. The fall was a rejection of the Creator’s Word as truth. Man began to base truth on himself. As a result, death came into the universe. Adam was not created to die; death was an intrusion! Adam’s wilful disobedience resulted in the loss of the paradise with the introduction of curses, pain, suffering and death. Scripture is abundantly clear that there was no death and suffering until after Adam’s transgression.

Now what exactly am I saying? At the beginning, through one man, the first Adam, death, curses, pain was introduced to mankind. Because of the sin of the first Adam everyone became a sinner. I need your attention at this point, now we see so many believers living under generational curses, magnifying the power of the devil over their lives and especially Africans believing that someone somewhere is behind their misfortune. So the ultimate question is how can you claim to be in Christ and still be under a curse? This is not possible.

Let’s talk about vital truths about curses: Shockingly, God is the originator of curses if you read the book of Genesis you’ll discover that due to Adam’s disobedience God cursed him and no man can be under a curse unless the person is cursed by God; Num. 23:8a ‘ How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed?’. So in summary, the first Adam was under a curse by God. What this means is that if anyone is cursed, it means that God has cursed that person even before the devil/an evil person can curse that person. GOD HAS TO CURSE A PERSON FIRST!!!

So don’t think that it’s some evil someone somewhere that is on your case; for example, if your finances are in shambles you might infer that it’s an evil someone that is on your case but you fail to know that by not paying your tithes you are already under a curse by God. Mal 3: 8 and so you think when you go about fasting and praying you think the curse will be broken. Is prayer a substitution to obedience?
So can prayer break Curses? Absolutely not! Why? Because Curse was as a result of disobedience and it is only obedience that can make us to be under a blessing instead of a curse.

Talking of obedience, it has to be a complete obedience and in James 2: 10 it is written that ‘For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all’ so is there anybody on earth who can have complete obedience? No because if you’re guilty of one you’re guilty of all. So then how can someone live on earth with complete obedience because the bible says in Rom 3: 10 ‘there is no one righteous, not even one’? Everybody commits sin on earth so how can someone live on earth with complete obedience?

Only one person has ever lived on earth with complete obedience and his name is JESUS CHRIST, the last Adam. He lived on earth and he did not disobey even for once. So the only way you can access complete obedience on earth is to give your life to him. Once you give your life to him you have access to the complete obedience; there is no other short cut because the bible says in John 14:6 ‘I am the way, the truth and the life’.

For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son Jesus Christ, who took on flesh and blood to be like us, that whosoever believeth in him will not perish but have everlasting life. He did this so that by dying he would destroy the one who had power over death (that is, the devil) Heb 2: 14. Jesus is the light that has come into the world so that everyone who believes in him will not live in the dark.

When Jesus died for our sins, he went down to hell and he collected the keys of life and death, Rev 1:18.
Because when you’re in Christ, you are no longer under the law 1 Tim 1: 9 ‘knowing this: that the law is not made for a righteous person, but for the lawless and insubordinate, for the ungodly and for sinners…’ and also in Rom 6: 14 ‘For sin shall no longer be your master, because you are not under the law, but under grace’ This grace to live a righteous life is given to us when we accept Jesus. So when we’re in Christ we are above the law, we get free access to deliverance, blessings (instead of curses) and abundant life. It should be noted that we only have all these covering in Christ.

It is interesting to note that because the devil is like a roaring lion looking for whom to devour; if he wants believers to be under a curse, he would make them fall by entertaining sin or harbouring unforgiveness. When this happens they automatically fall from the seat of the Last Adam and sits on the seat of the first Adam where they are cursed and will be under the oppression of the devil. This introduces death into their life. But note that when the devil knows that you’re about to be blessed he orchestrates a scenario where you’ll get angry and harbour unforgiveness so that you’ll lose your blessings you are entitled to under the covering of the Last Adam. But because of repentance, you ask for forgiveness and God will restore you back to the seat of the last Adam but note that you have lost that particular blessing!

This is how some Christians go back and forth from the seat of the last Adam to the seat of the first Adam every time whereby losing their destiny. So beware of the devices of the devil. This is an expose that can change your life forever!!!

You see dear reader, you can be religious and have all the titles but you might still be in bondage if you don’t know these truths; the bible says my people perish because of lack of knowledge. Read these words with knowledge. No one born of God can be oppressed by the devil; we cannot claim to be in the light and yet live in darkness THIS IS NOT POSSIBLE!!! How can we say we believe in Christ and yet live in bondage? God did not send his only begotten son to die for us and we’ll still be under a curse! IMPOSSIBLE!!!

When we receive Christ, we are daily transformed into the image of Christ and we have the nature of Christ which is righteousness. So let us examine our lives and see if we have truly received Jesus Christ as our lord and saviour so that we can live in complete obedience to God in order to receive all the benefits Jesus Christ died for us to receive and to be enlisted as candidates of heaven.

When you’re in Christ, nothing in this world matters any more but to do the will of the Father; you’ll have joy unspeakable because you’ll know that we are pilgrims on this earth. In this new life, there is forgiveness, deliverance and love of God; this becomes your new life. It’ll be easy to love again! Trust me, it’s the best gift you can ever have!

Please don’t let these words go without you meditating on it and asking God for more revelation. This is powerful. Listen, many of our forefathers would have lived better if they had this knowledge!!! It’s a privilege you’re reading this and I pray that the light of God will locate you as you surrender your life to him.

‘Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come in.’

This is an audio form of this article! Happy Listening!!!
Here's another link to help you understand better!


Temi said…
This is deep! Can this be created on a flyer or handout for people? It can be broken into segments because of the length. I love the way you broke it all down! No man has revealed this to you! God bless you!
Abiola said…
Em well, it can be done! And the idea about breaking it down to segments is good but it's just that I don't want to lose any parts so that the reader can get the full gist! This was written by the inspiration of the holy spirit through the messages I've heard so I decided to put it all together! Thanks Hun

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